Since our first crop year in 2016, we’ve been deep in the woods of malt science and on-farm conservation work, tying malt flavors back to individual fields, varieties, seasonality, and family farm stories. And as the culmination of what we’ve learned along the way, we’re super duper proud to be releasing our first flagship malts.
Introducing… Cascadia Pilsner, Cascadia White Wheat, Evergreen Pale, and Evergreen Alder Smoke!
Our flagships will be managed as regional blends of top grain varieties, all Salmon-Safe certified and built to scale with our customers. As always, they directly support premium crop opportunities for conservation-minded family farms and celebrate fully traceable supply chains. You can also rest assured that our ongoing innovations work will continue to redefine this lineup.
Meet The Malts
This crisp, clean, low protein Pilsner malt is a fantastic replacement for the finest imported malts on the market. And it’s ready to scale with a wide range of premium lagers, ales, and spirits.
Crafted as a smooth, full bodied pale, this white wheat malt’s calling in life is to add a silky mouthfeel and delicate haze to traditional wheat beers and hazies alike. Without all of the adjuncts.
Our base pale malt is a bold and flavorful pale barley malt, for beers and spirits needing a bit more umph than our more delicate Pilsner malt. It’s also 100% Washington grown, helping our home state craft distillers meet their requirements for 51% in-state ingredient sourcing.
We start with our Evergreen Pale malt recipe, then cold smoke it on alderwood after kilning. The end result is a moderately smoked base malt that can be used at high percentages in both beer and whiskey, and harkens back to a time when alder smoke was more widely used in Pacific Northwest food preservation.